Saturday, January 26, 2013


Imagine your sister slain by her own husband

It’s the hardest thing to give away
and the last thing on your mind today
it always goes to those that don’t deserve

Imagine you are hiding in the marshes with your precious 6 month strapped to your back. Her cries alert them to her whereabouts. The baby is killed while you are left to bleed out. The perpetrator’s machete has marked your face and removed your hand while you are left to die.

It’s the hardest thing to give away
and the last thing on your mind today
it always goes to those that don’t deserve

In 1994, 800,000 Rwandans were killed simply because of their lineage. Women, men and children brutally attacked, maimed and murdered. 800,000 killed in 90 days.  Most families obliterated leaving one or two family members alive to tell and left to FORGIVE.

Now imagine you have to grant the perpetrators FORGIVENESS. This is happening throughout the land of Rwanda. Groups of people coming together to work with those who hurt them. Killers helping the survivors, constructing homes for those they wronged. Helping them cultivate their crops. Helping build orphanages for those left orphaned.  We met a group of 4 people in a peace and reconciliation group. Perpetrators and survivors sitting side by side.  The accused told us that survivors are now there best friends.  The survivors told us you have to grant forgiveness or it’s a heavy burden that will imprison you.

Francois found forgiveness while he was in prison.  Prison was his blessing where he had time to pray and to hear the voice of God and ask for forgiveness

It’ll clear the bitterness await can even set a prisoner free
there is no end to what its power can do

So, let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of grace
the prisoner that it really frees is you

I kept thinking about this song by Matthew West called Forgiveness as these people spoke. I have distinguished the lyrics in orange. The only way I believe this nation could move forward is through forgiveness and truth. Fittingly this groups name is Ukuri Kuganze which translates LET TRUTH TRIUMPH.  Then you will know the truth and the truth WILL set you free. John 8:32

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A new year of sacrifices

Last year I started this journey of giving something up every month to enable myself to share more with others in need. This year I wanted to try something different. I read about this in Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz. One of his friends decided not to purchase any new clothing for a year. I really wanted to attempt this in 2013. This is a sacrifice because I am not only going to give up clothing for me but my nieces. If you knew me that is huge. I buy 5 beautiful little girls an outfit every birthday, Easter and Christmas. I haven't figured out the numbers yet of what type of savings that translates into but with just giving up the girls outfits that's about $300 per year. Look for more posts to where that money will be poured into. What are you giving up this year to help others in need?

Monday, December 31, 2012

Month Eleven

Sorry for the absence from my blogging about my monthly sacrifice. I was saving for a trip to the Land of Thousand Hills. Rwanda. I was able to witness the work of World Vision first hand in this beautiful country. I got to see the impact they are having in the communities. The highlight however of the trip was when I got to meet my beautiful Lea. I have been sponsoring Lea for 4 years and the visit left me beyond blessed. Lea is considered an orphan since her father passed away and lives with her mother. She has 2 younger brothers and 1 older sister. I met so many integral people in Lea's life. Such as the volunteer World Vision worker, who since Lea became an orphan advocated on her behalf to get her registered.  These selfless individuals who are volunteers to monitor the progress of about 80 families. These volunteers are chosen by the community not World Vision  but people of the community who know what individuals are committed, trustworthy, and love children. I got to meet Eugene another community worker who has written EVERY letter I have ever received from Lea. I was so happy to meet him because without him I wouldn't get to know who this special girl is. I just felt so much love and appreciation from these people and they are the ones who deserve the praise. I learned how much World Vision has helped this family. They recently received a new house. The previous was a small mud house with not enough room for 5 people. They have received a goat and school supplies, materials, gardening tools to name a few things. I am so grateful that God has blessed me so that I can bless others. It's so worth sacrificing that little bit of money to know that I am changing  peoples lives and giving them a future and a hope! If anything as this year winds down, I urge you to consider sponsoring a child!

Meet Eugene a community worker who writes for my Lea

My Lovely Lea

Goat she has received from World Vision

In front of the old house

In front of the new house 
With the volunteer workers on the left and the chief on the far right. It takes a village to raise a child.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Month Ten

Child Survival Program through Compassion is live58 focus this month. I have seen this program first hand when I went to Ecuador in 2011. This program is focused on mothers who are pregnant up to children 3 years of age. We spent an after noon with a young mother. I asked her what she liked most about the program. She told me that she loves the weekly visits by mentors. She loves the fact that someone is taking an interest in her life and the life of her 2 year old. She does not attend church but what an opening for the church to show love to this young woman and speak love and Christ into her life.I fully believe that with this continued work that she will come to know the Lord.

Compassion’s Child Survival Programprovides education for mothers or primary caregivers to ensure that children survive the early years. They are taught critical child development skills and how to administer them when children are most vulnerable to disease and malnutrition.
Compassion’s Child Survival Program educates mothers on how to provide a safe home environment and age-appropriate developmental opportunities so that their babies and toddlers have better opportunities for healthy growth. Mothers and caregivers are taught literacy and numeracy skills and many receive support for vocational training and income-generating activities to help improve the long-term economic capacity of their families. Mothers, caregivers and children also receive spiritual nurturing so that they can develop a dynamic lifelong relationship with Christ.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rays of Hope For Uganda

A few posts ago I mentioned my friends school in the Kaberamaido district in Uganda. Rays of  Hope for Uganda has enrolled 92 students in four class rooms. This dream was birthed by a young man named Francis Okullo. I hope to have him share your story with you on this blog shortly. An orphan himself, he heeded God's call to help out the same. Their mission: to meet the heart of God by educating, clothing, feeding and tangibly sharing Jesus Christ with these children.  Would you give something up to sponsor one of these children? The cost is only $20/month or $240/year. Half the cost of most sponsorship programs. If you are interested please comment below which child you would like to sponsor and email me at for more details:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Letter to God

Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your ministry of Compassion. I had no idea how much it would change my life to answer a call you placed on my heart. A burden for the needy and impoverished of the world. I had no idea 4 years ago how a relationship with a little boy across the miles would change my thinking and lead to 3 other sponsorships. I realize Lord that you have blessed me with so much that I cannot hold onto that. You have taught me that when I am open to give more that you will provide. Through the ministry of Compassion, I have seen how you changed lives of children who thought they were nothing. They bought into the lie of the enemy that they are not worth much but through sponsorship, God has revealed truth to these children that they are loved. That before they were born you matched them up with a sponsor that would encourage them, that would pray for them. You brought loving caring people to work at a centre that love them and teach them about Jesus and your love for them. I just pray Lord that you would speak to others to answer the sponsorship call. That they can change the entire destiny of small child for only $41/month. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be an agent for change and thank you Lord that children are being released from poverty in your Son's name!

Sponsor today

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Month Eight

This is month eight of sacrifices. I dismally failed my laziness sacrifice in month seven. As I mentioned before finding stuff to cut when you have drastically changed your spending habits is difficult. I think I will go back to  the STARBUCKS fast. I will just have to extend my month till October 6th as I have indulged in this addiction of mine already this month. I don't spend as much on Starbucks as I used to. I have cut it in half since I started budgeting in July. Yet I still spend money there and will sacrifice my sweet cup of caramel goodness. This month the focus of live58 hasn't spoke to me. It's a challenge to the President to increase spending on foreign aid spent in the USA.  I truly believe our governments need to dedicate more funds to helping third world nations but as I am not an American, I am just not moved to donate to this cause ,however I will continue to pray for the movement and the work of Micah's challenge. I have recently been moved to donate to a friend's organization called Rays of hope for Uganda. He has built a school in Uganda and has the most amazing story. I have asked for him to write up his testimony for me that I will feature later this month. This man has a strong desire to help orphans in his community and had a strong calling from the Lord to start this school. They have started a sponsorship program to help these kids attend. Sponsorship is only $20/month. I will also feature some of those kids here once I receive their profiles. How many of us throw away this kind of money monthly? It's such a small amount to change a life of a little boy or girl in Uganda. If you are interested in sponsoring one of these cuties message me at